In just 15 minutes, you can influence the development of practical resources and, ultimately, improve your health center’s readiness for an emergency or disaster.
Take a Survey
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response (ASPR) Technical Resources, Assistance Center and Information Exchange (TRACIE) needs your help to better understand health centers’ disaster readiness needs. Shape future technical assistance by taking a quick survey. The cutoff date is July 9.
Here’s Why You Should
As you are probably aware, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) published in the Sept. 8, 2016, Federal Register the Emergency Preparedness Requirements for Medicare and Medicaid Participation Providers and Suppliers final rule. Requirements outlined in the final rule apply to all 17 provider and supplier types. Healthcare providers and suppliers affected by this rule had until Nov. 15, 2017, to implement the regulations.
Each provider and supplier should have its own set of Emergency Preparedness regulations incorporated into its set of conditions or requirements for certification. ASPR TRACIE connects healthcare facilities with experts and peer-review research to help facilities comply with the 2016 Emergency Preparedness Rule.
ASPR TRACIE was created two years ago to meet the information and technical assistance needs of regional ASPR staff, healthcare coalitions, healthcare entities, healthcare providers, emergency managers, public health practitioners, and others working in disaster medicine, healthcare system preparedness, and public health emergency preparedness.
Your input could make all the difference in your health center’s disaster readiness and response. Peak hurricane season is right around the corner. Take the survey today, and make sure your health center is prepared for the worst.