AAPC spotlights its members each month by featuring “Minute with a Member” articles in the magazine, Healthcare Business Monthly. The “Minute with a Member” feature interviews dedicated AAPC members, who share their medical coding story, as well as thoughts about AAPC, personal information, and professional aspirations. One of the questions AAPC asks them is “If you could do any other job, what would it be?” Their responses are honest and candid.
Although these AAPC healthcare business professionals have proven to be successful in their careers, here is what they said they would want to be when they grow up, if they weren’t already medical coders:
Zarina Kerawala, CPC, CPC-P, CUC
Since most of my close family and friends are in the medical field, I feel a strong connection with being a coder in this industry. My passion is in coding and I will be a coder for the rest of my life. I enjoy what I do, and I am able to work remotely a few days a week. If I couldn’t be a coder, however, I would be a cosmetologist or an interior decorator.
I would be a chef. I love to put ingredients together on the stove and see what happens. I love to cook southern comfort food such as macaroni and cheese, fried chicken, mashed potatoes … I could go on all day.
Hazel M. Miller, LPN, CPC-I, COC, CPC, CPC-P, CPMA, CMBS, AAPC Fellow
There is no other job I would want to do. I love coding and Medicare, and putting the two together equals heaven.
Leesa A. Israel, CPC, CUC, CEMC, CPPM, CMBS
I would probably always do some sort of writing, but my dream job would be to open a bakery that serves folks with food allergies. My son has multiple life-threatening food allergies, and busy families like ours could really use a place to get quick treats for things like school events and birthday parties. I enjoy baking special treats for my kids and would love to make a living helping other food allergic families.
Rob J. Pachciarz, CPC, COC, CIRCC, CASCC
I would feel privileged to serve my country again in the U.S. Air Force. I served from 1987-1991, and I would gladly do it all over again.
Robin Moore, CPC
Win the lottery and do nothing.
Tameka J. Duncan, CPB, CPPM
I’d like to be a patient advocate. I have been on both sides of the fence, as a patient and healthcare professional, and there is a gap that needs to be filled. I think there are a lot of patients who don’t understand their healthcare coverage.
What Do You Want to Be? AAPC Can Help
If you are struggling to figure out what you want to be when you “grow up,” or if you already know that you want to be a professional on the business side of healthcare, AAPC can help. Here are some links to get you started:
- Medical Coding Training & Education
- Medical Billing
- Medical Auditing
- Medical Documentation
- Healthcare Compliance
- Practice Management
AAPC’s annual salary survey gives a good understanding of the earning potential within the medical coding profession.
See what actually is going on in the healthcare business job market.