Editor’s Picks
CEO Larry Merlo is upbeat about the growth potential for walk-in clinics and as a consequence of its acquisition of OmniCare last summer, sees "opportunities across the spectrum in skilled nursing, assisted living, and the independent living spaces." >>>

By proposing changes to performance benchmarking, Medicare officials are trying to improve the odds that cost-effective healthcare providers will earn spending-benchmark-beating payments in the Medicare Shared Savings Program. >>>

Defined benefit plans at health systems all over the country are floundering under the combined weight of rising premiums, low interest rates, and an updated lifespan forecast from the Society of Actuaries. >>>

Studies suggest both physicians and patients are reluctant to give up low-value healthcare services that waste money and can do more harm than good. >>>

An analysis of data from the National Practitioner Data Bank shows that 70% of physicians sanctioned for sexual misconduct by a hospital or other healthcare organization were not disciplined by state medical boards for their behavior. >>>

Advocates for the extensivist model say it doesn’t replace primary care, but provides additional oversight and resources needed to prevent gaps in care. Older, sicker patients in particular, have been shown to benefit. >>>

The American Hospital Association is highly critical of CMS’s decision to reduce IPPS payments as a result of implementing the two-midnight rule, with the organization seeking more information on the cut. >>>

Under LifePoint’s deal finalized this month with Sisters of Charity Health System, Providence Hospitals will change its tax status to for-profit and will pay taxes, but will retain its Catholic affiliation, mission, and charity care mandates. >>>

Intelligence Report
In this HealthLeaders Media research report, the reasons behind ambulatory and outpatient care expansion may originate from different strategic points of view, but the tactics and objectives have much in common.
Order Today >>>

News Headlines
Star Tribune, February 10, 2016

The Washington Post, February 10, 2016

Reuters, February 10, 2016

NBC News, February 9, 2016

The Tennessean, February 9, 2016

U.S. News & World Report, February 9, 2016

Los Angeles Times, February 8, 2016

Business Insider, February 8, 2016

The New York Times, February 8, 2016

The Wall Street Journal, February 5, 2016

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