I started my career in clinical medicine as a physician assistant; however, I found my passion for healthcare business when two local physicians started a diagnostic radiology center and asked me to help. At the time, I did not realize that healthcare is a multi-dimensional business — from setting up billing, coding, and accounts receivables (A/R) management, to establishing compliance with regulatory agencies and auditing, etc. This is when I reached out to AAPC and my local chapter as a resource.
Overcome Coding and Billing Challenges
One of the main challenges for me was billing and coding. You are not taught in school as a clinician to code the services performed. Very few clinicians even understand how services are billed or how payment adjustments and collection processes work. Initially, I outsourced the billing and coding, as I had no experience. Over time, I saw the A/R grow and I struggled with collections and revenue. It was creating a financial challenge for the business, so I decided to learn medical coding and billing and make the business a success.
Receive Certification
In 2007, I began my journey to formally learn coding, specifically interventional radiology and cardiology coding because that is what the providers I worked with needed. The first credential I chose was the Certified Interventional Radiology and Cardiology Coder (CIRCC®) credential. Soon after, I realized there was a need to apply broader coding concepts and to educate other providers on coding, medical necessity, and documentation; so in 2010, I earned my Certified Professional Coder (CPC®) credential and, later that year, my Certified Professional Medical Auditor (CPMA®) credential.
Seek New Challenges
My clinical background, AAPC credentials, and the educational resources AAPC provides have been instrumental in my success as a healthcare business professional. I now work as a healthcare advisor and consultant, helping providers develop and manage their practices. My next goal is to work towards the AAPC Fellow recognition. I am blessed to have found an area of healthcare I am very passionate about. This business is so multifaceted and offers opportunity for continued personal and professional growth. #IAmAAPC